
Showing posts from August, 2022

mr.rease was absent

 Today we did a worksheet. The worksheet was about Emily Dickinson. We went downstairs to another teachers room. I don’t know her name, but I really like her. We are preparing for our test Friday.


       Today in class, we analyzed a poem. I think the creator of this poem’s name was Emily Dickson, I’m not sure. I’ll have to find out before Friday, because we are testing on her. I know she made poems in the 1800s and was denied for her things to be published. Mr. Rease told us she was denied because she “didn’t fit the standards of the poems being produced at that time.” She was also black and a woman. She didn’t become famous until after death, never able to see her work being celebrated.

poem analysis

    Today, for the bell ringer, we did something new. Instead of writing down our bell ringer, we typed it on our bloggers. The bell ringer for this afternoon was very interesting. The interesting part was hearing about people's answers, to see how they felt about whether there was any extra terrestrial life outside of Earth. Many people felt as thought there could be, and I agree to some extent, but at a certain point it doesn't feel or seem to be as believable, because there's never enough evidence to fully convince me. Today felt like a Tuesday, but it's still just Monday. Thankfully I don't have much homework today.

8/29 bellringer

    Based on the evidence provided in the video, it didn't convince me very much that there is life outside of Earth. My reaction to the image of Earth from Mars, is that we are very small, and things or problems that happen in our lives might not be as big or be as impactful as it might seem to us. I didn't have much reaction to the sound of the black hole, just because it didn't sound alarming or like anything to worry about, but that may be because I don't know much about science, to a scientist it might be alarming, but to a normal civilian such as myself, I am not too worried. This puts my life into perspective, because my problems that happen as a teenager are not as big as I make them seem, things that happen t me, does not mean the end of the world.

missed friday 8/26

    Again, I forgot to blog another Friday afternoon. I think I forget, because when you come home on Friday after a long week you often feel like you have no more responsibilities for the rest of the week, although that never seems to be true, because every weekend I'm busy. From now on I will try to always remember, but I know I may slip up here and there. I don't remember anything about Friday, but I know we turned in our Origin myths. My origin myth was printed, by Mr.rease, and was entirely too long (about three pages), but I couldn't figure out a way to condense it into one and a half pages.

8/24/22 12 sentence story.

  I did it on another sheet of paper, first photo.


     Although the week isn't over, it has gone by very quickly, I feel. Today, like the rest of the week, was very fast. Today in class we took notes for about ten minutes. These notes were just definitions, and being able to understand their meanings. After this, we evaluated a video using "Space Cat." Today's lesson was very easy. After we took notes, we worked on our origin myths. That was it for today.

friday as a freeday.

      Today, we learned about the 3 rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos). Mr. Rease proposed to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. I would persuade Mr. Rease that we should be given a free day this Friday, by telling him that students who get a break from school work every once and a while often flourish. I will appeal to Mr. Rease's emotions by telling him that being a student can become tiring and very stressful. I would finish off by telling Mr. Rease that I am a student in his class that can often become stressed when they haven't had a break from school work in a long while.


      Today was such a long day. It was a boring, long day. I don't remember much of what we did today. The video of the day was a bit boring. I say this, because compared to the other videos it didn't seem to impact me as much, because I don't like social media. We didn't do any work today, aside from the bell ringer and notes, of course. I really don't have much to talk about today. I enjoy doing the blogs, it gives me time to actually think about the day.


      I forgot to post yesterday, Friday, so I'm posting now. Friday we did an activity, involving unpopular opinions. My unpopular opinion was that baseball is boring. I personally agree, compared to other sports baseball is very slow paced, and doesn't involve much action. I didn't introduce my unpopular opinion, because we ran out of time, but I didn't mind. It was nice to hear how other people supported their unpopular opinions, even when they didn't agree, I enjoyed Friday's activity.

late post.

      I'm posting this very late today, 8/18/22, because I've been busy. I don't remember much of today. The parts I do remember from today's class period were being confused about the moral of the video of the day. Once I'd heard my classmates responses, it made much more sense, especially when someone said "Looks may be deceiving", I felt like this really applied to the video and could have been considered the moral. Something else I remember today is being let out of class early for the 11th grade meeting. The meeting was boring, and I got kicked out of my table, by Mr. spears, but he didn't kick the other people away from their tables, trifling. Nothing else to say tonight.

my purpose.

       I think my purpose in life is to become a successful surgeon. It would take a lot of work, but if I really want to, I could accomplish this. I feel like this would be my purpose because I think I would feel complete once I reach this goal, because I would be happy. Along the way during school I might not be as happy, but in the end it would be worth it to me. I would like to be someone memorable, for many good things.

Tuesday August 16, 2022

      Today Mr. reases class was very cold, again. I enjoyed the lesson we learned today, especially the video: “Two plus Two is Five.” it was an interesting video, and I learned the lesson that no matter what anybody else says or whatever their opinions may be, you should always believe in what you think is right. I had a fairly regular day, nothing too interesting. When I was leaving school it looked like there was a fight going on, but I was told they were just arguing. I’m excited for the 11th grade meeting, that means we will get a little time out of class. That’s all for today, not a very interesting start to the week.

very boring monday.

     Today is August 15, 2022, I did a lot of work today, note taking and just work in general. Mr. Rease’s class wasn’t as cold as usual, I didn’t mind it though. I attempted to write a formal letter as a writing prompt, I don’t think I did very good because I wasn't very focused on the writing. I had a good day at school today, but i woke up later than I usually wake up for school, I still made it on time. I don’t have much to talk about, so this is it for today.

about ayat.

My name is Ayat nasser. I am enrolled at Cedar Grove Highschool. I am 16 years old. I was born in Detroit, but moved to Atlanta at a young age. For fun i like to listen to music and play roblox with Victoria. This year i want all A’s, to stay on top of my work, and to pass my AP exams.