
Showing posts from March, 2023


      Today starts spring break. Mr. Rease had us working out of the rhetorical devices book.


      Today Mr. Rease wasn’t here. We worked on vocabulary, demani told some riddles. What’s a three letter word that starts with gas? A car!


      Today we sat in a circle, we read a speech given by the Prime Minister of Great Britain. It was about the death of a former president.


     Today in class we worked on another rhetorical device. We worked on sententia. I don’t have much to say for today. 


      Today in class we worked as a class out of the rhetorical devices workbook. We only went over one rhetorical device today. We have an essay coming up, before spring break. I’m excited for spring break, but I have a lot of work to catch up on before than.


 Today we watched watched movie clips and found and explained the rhetorical devices. March is slowly coming to an end, this school year has gone by so fast. Life is so short, I’m nearly done with my junior year, and it feels like it just started.


 Today i’m classed we continued working on rhetorical devices. We listened to Donald Trump’s speech. As we were listening Mr. Rease would occasionally pause and we would write down a rhetorical device that we saw/heard.


 Today in class we worked out of the rhetorical devices workbook. We did Analogy activity 2 and Allusion activists 1 and 2. Mr. Rease said to keep it until tomorrow.


      Today we read MLK’s speech and listened to it. We paused to annotate the speech. We put our rhetorical analysis on a different paper.


      Today we took notes. The notes were about rhetorical analysis.

The Zoo



      Today felt like forever. In class we read a part of a book, called the Joy Luck Club. We could only read bits a pieces, because it was taking us too long. We made questions as we went along. We answered the questions at the end.

5 corners.

      Today we played 5 corners. We read a passage, about an Asian women who changes the way she soaked depending on who she’s speaking to. She was giving a speech and realized her mom was in the crowd, she noticed how she always break down her English when talking to her mom. We read some questions and played 5 corners.


    Today in class we read a passage. The passage was called “I want a wife.” The author was a women, and didn’t ACTUALLY want a wife. She wanted someone to behave the way a wife back then might have. To take care of the household needs, the kids, their spouse, and much more.

asynchronous day.

      Today we didn’t go into the building, but we still have work. Most of my classes don’t really have anything. Mr. rease told us to just do a blog, about our day. Today I didn’t do much, I cleaned up, and got my nails done.

Essay Day

      Today we wrote our essays. This was way harder than I thought. I went into it thinking it would be pretty easy, and at first it was. Until I couldn’t find my third piece of evidence. By the time I’d found a good piece of evidence, time was up. I’d only written 3 of the 5 required paragraphs. Needless to say, I probably got a 2.

2 out of 6

      Today in class we read and graded an essay. We did this in preparation for the essays we are having to write. I have the person a 3/6, but the actual grade was a 2/6. I initially gave him a 4/6, but then i realized he was missing a few things. The writing was kind of hard to read, but we aren’t grading on penmanship.


     Today in class we improved on our essay question. We didn’t really do much else, it was easy going day in class.

speed dating.

      Today in class, we did an activity, sort of like speed dating. We had a few minutes to read a source, and come up with a claim to support our position. I don’t remember exactly what our group said, but it was something that supported the text. Once we had our position, we went around the room and sat at different stations. We wrote a claim for each source, but kept the same position. I think it was pretty easy, and fun. We’re supposed to go over it tomorrow.


 Today w continued working on our annotation project. I’m having some trouble finding the citation of my sources. I emailed them to myself, but I can’t seem to find them. I’ve tried reverse looking them up in ebsco host, but it isn’t really working. Hopefully this is resolved before Monday.


 I left school early today.


     Today in class we began working on a different assignment. I forgot what it called, by basically we just cite our sources give a summary, reflection, and evaluation. At 2:30 the band started the parade in the hallways. We went outside, and followed them around pretty much until it was time to go. Nobody got in trouble for being in the hallway by Mr. Spears, which surprised me.