
Showing posts from January, 2023

synthesis essay

Today we began writing out essays. We wrote our introductions, and that was really about it.


 Today we began our project. I’m in a group who is studying social media, and it’s effects. For our essay, we picked to talk about the insecurities social media can bring.  

Left early

 Today I left early, for my junior meeting.

short lesson

 Today we went over the green paper. We wrote an example on one of the claims we picked the other day. We found our evidence and made an argumentative essay. We didn’t finish it, but we did most of it. We have homework again today, and this time I’ll be sure to read it tonight and not 20 minutes before the test.


 Today we took a quiz. We were given homework to read chapter 5. I read some of it, but not all of it. I got a few questions correct, but I know I definitely got a few wrong.


I kind of forgot what happened today. I’m sure we read and talked about the book though.


 We finished our work from friday. Today we did it by ourselves. 

jan 20.

Today we read the books wild and answered some questions as a class.


 Mr. rease wasn’t here.


       Today in class we read chapter 2 of wild. A couple blog posts ago I said that the book was boring, and that I didn’t have much interest in it. Today I can say that I am actually starting to enjoy the book. I think I said the book was “boring” because there was a lot to cover before we got into the actual hike and the other stuff. I think the book is much better with the background information she is serving us, because that way we can fully understand what it took for her to hike the PCT and what lead to her hike in the first place. Although we haven’t started reading about the hike yet, I still like the beginning of this book.

Learning about the PCT

     Today we did a group project. The project was to do your research about certain parts of the PCT. My group had to cover travel. I think it was pretty easy, su liked my group, they were people I’m fond of. The project was informal, so no rubrics or anything premade, just do it and present it.

Rewriting my past

     The way you can rewrite your past is letting go of people and things that did not serve around that time that you are trying to let go. I would like to let go most of 2021, 2021 was just a bad year for me. Certain things that happened around the time still hold me back to this day.


 Today in class we read some more of our book. I really am not interested in the book so far. Nothing has really happened besides her mother finding out she has cancer, and would soon be dead.


Pros: Learning to be independent Get to know yourself no one to bother you no need to worry about other judgement Cons: More distractions Nobody to discuss your emotions with lose a sense of people not good for your mental health Being alone can be empowering because it can give you time to relearn yourself. Being able to be alone can help you to learn yourself in ways you wouldn’t be able to in a place with many people. Being alone can give you time to collect yourself.


      Today we continued reading our book, “Wild.” We began reading chapter one. I think so far the book is pretty good, nothing crazy really happened. Well, the girl found out her mother is dying. That was about it. We also reviewed a rhetorical device. The device was rhetorical question, but mostly everyone already knew what this was.

Junior Meeting

      Today we had a junior meeting. The meeting started at 2:30. Before our meeting, We began reading our book, “Wild.” We read the authors note and the prologue. From those two sections of the book, the book seems interesting.

Bell Ringer 01/10

     A time my life changed completely, was when my brother was born. When my little brother was born, it wasn’t a bad change, I didn’t mind having a brother. I was actually very excited. I’d always wanted a little brother, but since so lived with my mom, and covid was stopping people from leaving the house. This changed my life because I thought I wouldn’t be able to see my brother, or be in his life. I wanted to move with my dad, to help to care of him and to be in his life.

Missing Work from 01/06 and 01/07

  Rhetorical Devices Hyperbole- An over exaggeration -Examples: The lessons are so frustrating that I feel like my head is gonna explode. She is so fast they could beat the flash. The Cedar Grove Saints are so good that they could play with professional football plavers Understatement- A rhetorical form in which the force of a descriptive statement is less than what one would normally expect. Examples The meal was so close to being just like my mom's cooking. Our team's players aren't as tall as they seem. Litotes- emphasizes point by using a word opposite to the condition Examples It was not the warmest day of the year. The school day was not that good. I wasn't that tall. Antithesis-use of a contrast in language to bring out a contrast in ideas. Examples : We are caught in war, wanting peace. We are torn by division, wanting unity. Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is

What would you take a a long hiking trip?

      Today in class we focused on learning the basics of hiking. Important things to bring, things you would have to sacrifice, things you would need to learn to do, and much more. We learned all of this to give ourselves (the students) an idea of what we might talk about in the memoir called "Wild." Were going to start reading this book sometime this week. I'm actually enjoying this class so far, I hope I can say I feel the same at the end of the year. Here's my list of things!  Ayat Nasser 10 Important Items I would Take On a Trip: A Tent - I would bring a tent, because I don't want to be sleeping outside in the rocks. A Sleeping Bag - I would bring a sleeping bag, because I’d like to be comfortable. Dried Food or Snacks - Just in case if I don’t have anything else. Wipes - To keep clean. Water - So I don’t die of thirst. A cup - For all my cup needs. (getting more water, rehydrating my dried foods) Bug Spray - To avoid bugs. Sunscreen - To avoid getting sun bu

Bellringer 01/09

Device #1 - Hyperbole example 1: He called me a million times! example 2: I jumped over 10000 feet to get across the river. Device #2 - Understatement example 1: The civil war was just a bit of a disagreement. example 2: Deserts are a little warm. Device #3 - Litotes example 1: That's pretty ugly. example 2: Through the thunderstorm, I couldn't help but say "This isn't the best weather ever!"

Reflection on 1st Semester

     As a student I can improve by trying harder. Sometimes if I know I don’t have to do something, I just won’t. If I have a 95 and I miss one assignment I might just skip it. In 2022 I let opportunities pass by me, in 2023 I won’t let that happen again. I think that you were a good teacher last semester, I liked that you were stern and often “argued/debated” with us on certain things. I’m not sure on what you could improve on to help me.