Missing Work from 01/06 and 01/07

 Rhetorical Devices

Hyperbole- An over exaggeration


  1. The lessons are so frustrating that I feel like my head is gonna explode.
  2. She is so fast they could beat the flash.
  3. The Cedar Grove Saints are so good that they could play with professional football plavers

Understatement- A rhetorical form in which the force of a descriptive statement is less than what one would normally expect.


  1. The meal was so close to being just like my mom's cooking.
  2. Our team's players aren't as tall as they seem.

Litotes- emphasizes point by using a word opposite to the condition


  1. It was not the warmest day of the year.
  2. The school day was not that good.
  3. I wasn't that tall.

Antithesis-use of a contrast in language to bring out a contrast in ideas.

Examples :

  1. We are caught in war, wanting peace. We are torn by division, wanting unity.
  2. Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue
  3. Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more. Hypophora- asking a question and preceding to answer Examples:

1. What are American values? American values are being able to be free and feel protected.

2. Why is it better to love than be loved? It's better to love than be loved because being able to love yourself first is important.

3. Why should we cut taxes? We should cut taxes because taxes take money out of hard workers pockets.


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