
Showing posts from April, 2023


Today, we had a sub.

Argumentative Essay

      Today in class we wrote an argumentative essay. The essay was about how a local university was considering doing a 48 hour ban on all first year students cell phones. They were planning on doing this to give the students time to get to know each other, and their new school.


      Today the remaining groups presented. I was included in the remaining groups. Yesterday we didn't present out project because one of our members was absent, but today the other group member was absent. It was okay, because I think we did fine without all 3 people.


     Today in class, some of the groups presented their projects. We didn't get picked, because one of our partners was absent. We're going to present our project tomorrow. 




 Today, I didn't come to school.


     Today we received a group project. I am grouped with Danielle and Patricia. Our topic in NDE's.


     Today in class we read a short passage. We stopped class at about 2:30, so Mr. Rease could give feedback on the rhetorical analysis essay. I did okay, but I just didn't finish. He said if I did finish, I would've gotten a much better grade. I got a 60, I think.

Doubt Vs Certainty

      Today we talked about doubt and certainty. We chose a position on if we thought they had a relationship or if they were independent. I took the side that they do have a relationship. We wrote about our reasons as to why we picked which ever position we picked.


     Today in class we focused on perfection. We each wrote something on the board about what in our lives we wanted to be perfect, I wanted perfect relationships. It can be good, because if something were to ever happen and i needed someone to fall back on, I know that I could talk to anybody in my life.


     Today in class Mr. Rease read us some fun and simple questions from a book. We picked a random number, and he would turn to that page and read the question. We took turns answering the question. The questions made a lot of us think, today was pretty good.


     Today we wrote our essay. I think I was making it harder for myself than it actually was. I spent so much time setting up the paper, that I didn't focus much on the writing.


 today i was absent.


      Today we reviewed the rhetorical analysis essay. We were supposed to take the test today, but we didn't review.


      We had a substitute today.