
Showing posts from September, 2022


     Today we were in lockdown. We didn’t go to fourth period. Monday we’re finishing the play “Fences”.

Good day.

      Today was a very good day in class, the entire class period we read. The reading was really good, and the dialogue progressed quickly. We’re nearly to the end of the book, but tomorrow we are in first period all day, so we will finish Monday.


     Today we were on lockdown, we stayed in second period most of the day, aside from going to first period. We didn’t got to 3rd or 4th, meaning we did nothing in mr. reases class, since we didn’t attend.


      Today, the people who didn’t present their one pagers last friday began presenting. We only got through a couple of people, because today we went to home room to get our ID’s, and stayed almost 3 hours in 2nd period, this messed up the schedule, we only had 35 minutes of 4th period.


      Today we took some notes. The notes were about different things that ethnicities may do. This month is Latino heritage month. We began ready at around 2:35 so we didn’t finish the scene we started.

Hispanic Heritage Month

I know Mendy. I know I like their food. Death can be a very serious tradition for them. Most of their families are quite religious. (catholic/christian) I would like to know more about their traditions.

one pagers

      Today we presented our one pagers. There were few students in class, 16, so we got through about half of the students. The rest of the class will be saved for Monday. It was nice to see everyone’s interpretations of the story. I think everyone today did a fairly good job.

pop quiz.

     Today we took a pop quiz, after we were done we went over the answers. We did a few pages of ready, we only finished one act today, because we took a while to go over the test. Tomorrow we were told we’re supposed to be presenting our one pagers. I hope we can get through all of them, because I want to continue reading immediately.

Fences, again.

      Today we took a bit of notes. After notes we characterized troy, and this took us until about 2:30. We then continued our ready of the play: Fences. I’m really enjoying this reading.

Act One, Scene One

      Today in class, we read the fences. We finished scene one, of act one. After we read, we answered questions relating to the play. I enjoyed todays class.

one pager



 Today, we started our reading on a play titled "fences". The start of the play was very interesting. We also turned in our one pagers today. Mr. Rease said we may or may not explain and read our one pagers this week.


 Today Mr. Rease wasn't here. We did a worksheet, and then worked on our one pagers.

one pager.

      Today Mr. rease was not here. We had a sub. The class periods assignment was to do our one pagers.

the rockpile quiz.

     Today we took a rock pile quiz. The quiz was seemingly easy. If I recall correctly, I got 2 wrong. Mr. Rease explained after why our answers were right, or wrong. Although I missed two, Mr. Rease told us he would give us all a 100! We finished at 2:45pm. The rest of the class was spent doing our one pager, or whatever the students wanted to do.

the rockpile one page.

      Today we started our one page, on the rock pile. I didn't get to actually start, I was doing sketches, to make it a little less messy. The one page is due tomorrow at the end of class. We also answered about 10 questions on the rock pile, they were very easy. Mr Rease showed us how to use the process of elimination. The steps he showed us was to look for the two absolutely wrong answers, then look for the actual answer and the very close answer.

The rock pile alternative ending.

     John, timid and afraid, slowly looked up at his father.  “Well, boy, hurry up and get it!” Gabriel suggested. John scurried to pick up the lunchbox. Lunchbox in hand, he backed away from Gabriel. Gabriel muttered under his voice, things a father would never say to his son. John held his head down, looking at his fathers feet as he slowly left the room. Elizabeth patted Johns back, gently rubbing his side. “You know what John, this ain’t your fault.” John sighed, reaching both arms out for his mother. Elizabeth, reaching out one arm, and hugged john from the side, being sure not to put pressure on Delilah.


      Today we read a short story. The story was titled “The rock pile”. This story was good. The end of the story was a cliff hanger, I would have liked to hear more.

bell ringer 9/12

      My neighborhood is a regular neighborhood. Nothing much stands out, aside from how different the houses can be. There’s nothing too much to it, just the houses look different. There are a couple eyesores, there is a “Trap House” people go there just to do whatever. There’s also a house with a whole lot of trash and junk cars. It’s a good neighborhood, but some people can make it bad. My mother allows me to go around with some of the other kids in my neighborhood, but I chose not to.


     Today went by very fast. We didn’t do much today, we read a short story, titled ambush. We answered a few questions about it.

Sept 9th Bell Ringer.

      A veterans past experience can totally and truly alter their present life, because in war there are many scarring and traumatizing things these people go through. These men and women watch their friends and comrades perish, which is very scary. This can be mentally and emotionally draining. Bringing this to their current life can be shown in their day to day life. When hearing simple things, like balloons popping or a siren driving by, this can trigger someone sending them into shock. This could affect a fathers relationship with his children, because he could be sent into shock by anything his child may do, even in a playful way, meaning no harm.


      Today, we did a state wide american lit test. We did that just about the whole class period, so I don't have much to say. We got our grades back for the Emily Dickinson test we did last Friday. I got a 74, because I didn't do the first two constructed responses correctly.

Emily Dickinson.

      Today in mr reases class we didn’t do anything much. The people who weren’t here on friday did their test and the rest of us took notes on Emily Dickinson. Mr. rease wasn’t feeling very well yesterday, feel better soon.

lock down.

 Today we were on lock down. Since we were on lock down, we had no choice but to stay in our 3rd period for third and fourth block. Today would have been our extra day at practicing for our test on Emily Dickinson, which is tomorrow, maybe we'll get an extra day, I doubt it though.